Root coverage of multiple gingival recessions with Geistlich Fibro-Gide® and REGENFAST®
BioBrief - Soft Tissue Regeneration
The Situation
The patient (aged 56 years) presents with an esthetic request in the upper quadrants with recessions and dental sensitivity problems. The patient showed no systemic pathology and did not smoke. Clinical examination revealed multiple recessions throughout the maxilla, often associated with enamel abrasions.
The goal of the treatment was to improve esthetics and remedy the tooth sensitivity through complete recession coverage.
The Approach
To avoid residual scarring, a coronally advanced envelope flap with partial-full-partial thickness was planned, adequately passivated to allow introduction of the volume-stable matrix in view of the need to increase soft-tissue thickness as well. Geistlich Fibro-Gide® was then soaked in REGENFAST® polynucleotide gel and after a few minutes placed at 13 to 23 at the cementoenamel junction. The flap had then to be advanced coronally in order to totally cover the matrix without tension.
The Result
This case demonstrates how the esthetic and functional demand for coverage of a multiple recession was met with Geistlich Fibro-Gide® matrix and REGENFAST® polynucleotide gel. The use of the matrix avoided autologous connective tissue harvesting, and the polynucleotide gel promoted better and faster tissue healing. The stability of the result in terms of both root coverage and increased soft-tissue thickness is noteworthy.
Keys to Success
- Flap design
- Volume-stable matrix increasing soft tissue thickness
- REGENFAST® polynucleotide gel promotes tissue healing