Discover “The New Daily Practice”
Geistlich Biomaterials' "The New Daily Practice" website is live!
Support for clinicians
The new information hub focusses on treatments which prevent tissue loss instead of repairing existing defects – for example preserving teeth with periodontal regeneration or fill‐the‐gap at immediate implants to prevent complications later on. Which of these approaches pay off? Which decrease surgical time? Lower the costs for complication handling? And what is the best approach to discuss preventive measures with patients?
Easy orientation in a broad field of treatments
The information hub “New Daily Practice” offers easy orientation in a broad field of treatments. Interactive and animated infographics, decision trees, and literature overviews give a quick outline of the values and benefits of different options. An interactive section about presenting solutions to patients invites professionals to share their expertise related to patient information in the field of preventive regenerative dentistry.
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