Soft tissue augmentation procedure with the use of a collagen matrix
BioBrief - Soft Tissue Regeneration
The Situation
A 65-year-old male patient comes to our attention reporting a change in position and mobility of element 1.1. The systemic medical history reports that he is suffering from type II diabetes mellitus and that he is on anticoagulant therapy due to atrial fibrillation. He does not smoke. 55% of the sites have plaque, and bleeding on probing is positive in 60% of the sites. The full intraoral x-ray set shows generalized horizontal bone resorption, and a final diagnosis of periodontitis stage 3 grade b is done.
The Approach
The aim of the therapy is to resolve the inflammatory signs in the whole mouth and the mucositis. Element 1.1 should be extracted and rehabilitated with a prosthetic solution to restore both function and esthetics. A soft tissue augmentation procedure with the use of Geistlich Fibro-Gide® will recreate the volume of the edentulous area improving the esthetics, and the cleanability of the restoration.
The Outcome
The soft tissue augmentation technique with coronally advanced flap, associated with a collagen matrix allowed us to obtain a significant increase in the volume of soft tissues in the edentulous area with minimally invasive surgery. Through the subsequent conditioning of the tissues it was possible to obtain a satisfactory esthetic result and adequate emergence profiles of the prosthetic rehabilitation.
Keys to Success
- Soft tissue maturation after tooth extraction
- Flap management: coronally advanced flap
- Geistlich Fibro-Gide® collagen matrix to increase soft tissue thickness
- First intention wound healing
- Prosthetic conditioning of the soft tissue after maturation
- Tailored periodontal supportive treatement