Root coverage with a collagen matrix
BioBrief - Soft Tissue Regeneration
The Situation
This is a 28-year-old woman, non-somker, who came to our clinic reporting sensitivity to cold in the first quadrant. From the periodontal point of view the patient presented a plaque induced localized gingivitis without probing depths greater than 3 mm. After performing a dental prophylaxis the patient presented localized gingival recessions in teeth 1.4, 1.3 and 1.2 associated to a traumatic brushing vertical technique.
The Approach
To completely cover the three gingival recessions using a coronally advanced flap for multiple recessions together with a volume-stable collagen matrix (Geistlich Fibro-Gide®). Apart from root coverage we expected to thicken the gingiva with a complete mimicry with the adjacent tissues.
The Outcome
The results of this case have met the patient expectations. The use of mucogingigival approach together with a soft-tissue substitute have been able to achieve root coverage and to halt teeth sensitivity. Moreover, the collagen matrix has allowed to increase the soft-tissue thickness avoiding a second surgical area.
Keys to Success
- Flap management
- Tension free flap closure
- Trimming of the matrix
- Good plaque control